Student Assistance

Donate Elite Beauty College (EBC) students benefit and enjoy gaining cosmetology skills. These skills enhance their potential for professional leadership, growth, and entrepreneurship. EBC state-of-the-art education is grounded in principles designed to prepare students for success in the business world.

Unfortunately, many of our students have to drop out due to the lack of finances. Some of them have part but not all of their tuition costs covered. Give them a helping hand. By assisting our students, you help them change their lives and increase their chances for creating a better life themselves and their families. No amount is too small. It may be just what that student needs to stay in school.

Call us 918-910-5000 if you would like to provide financial assistance to an EBC student or use the Donate button below. Suggested donations areĀ $1, $5, $10, $15, $ 20 $50, $100 or Amount of your choice.


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